
Founded in 1980, ISOMAT S.A. is one of the fastest developing manufacturers of building chemicals and pre-mixed mortars in the region of S.E. Europe. Its stable growth comes as a result from its innovative and quality products, its highly specialized personnel and the value-added services provided to its clients.

The company produces and supplies its customers (construction companies, wholesalers -distributors and DIY retail chains) with building chemicals and mortars for different construction applications, summarized within the following 6 group of products:

  • Waterproofing Materials
  • Concrete and Mortar Additives
  • Tile Adhesives and Grouts
  • Repairing Materials and Paints
  • Premixed Plasters
  • Industrial Floors

Nowadays, ISOMAT employs 210 people, 30 of them being specialised engineers and chemists. Other 60 employees are engaged in its three affiliated companies.

With sales centres in the cities of Thessaloniki and Athens, and an extensive network of about 1500 points of sale, ISOMAT thoroughly covers the needs of the construction sector in Greece.

Besides that, following a strategy of extroversion, ISOMAT carries out international sales to more than 20 countries in Europe, Middle East and Asia, where it operates either by affiliated companies or through close cooperation with local distributors.

In the markets of Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia the company operates under its affiliated companies ISOMAT ROMANIA S.R.L., ISOMAT INTERNATIONAL E.O.O.D. and ISOMAT D.O.O. respectively.

ISOMAT currently also exports to Russia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Turkey, Kosovo, FYROM, Sweden, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Montenegro, Syria, Israel, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Georgia and Malta.